Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Functionalism, what i think about the impact the internet has on the world (short)

I think the internet in this day and age on the impact it has on people today is both negative and positive weather it's exposed pornagrapy or good source of information there are benefits and drawbacks.

neighborhood culturally diverse?


neighborhood culturally diverse?

In which your neighborhood ether is or is culturally diverse? is your neighborhood ethnocentric? if people from other cultures moved into my neighborhood what would need to happen to ease cultural differences?

my neighborhood is't, there are hispanic people next door to me who have a strong business that makes them a lot of money, but mostly everyone in the neighborhood are black and hispanic.

not at all it's a very quiet neighborhood to the point were no one talks to one another but they are very friendly with one another but they don't communicate what so ever.

City Growth Trends



1)suburbanization occurs when central cities lose population to the surrounding areas

2)suburbanization has become an important tread partly because of techological development.

3)Accompanying the exodus of the middle class, manufacturers,and retailers is the shrinking of the centail city tax base. As a result, the city has become increasingly populated by the poor, the unskilled and the uneducated.

4)the development of  low-income areas by middle-class home buyers landlords, and professional developers.

5)yes i believe so.

6) a suburban unit  specializing in a particur economic activity.

7)yes i think it can happen andif it doe's it's going to be awesome


Boehner: House will defend DOMA; courts, not Obama, should Decide

In an unexpected event, Boehner said last Friday that the House will defend the right to marry. This take involves
the obama adeministration's decision to step back from defending the law because it seems the law is unconstitutional. In DOMA. enacted in 1996, states are not legally required to recognize gay marriage that may or may not be legal in other states or jurisdictions. I think that it depends on the person's freedom on whether  not he or she should be gay.